Tag Archives: #TaxConcepts

What is direct tax and indirect tax?

Indirect and Direct Tax    Indirect and Direct tax is a type of tax that is imposed on the income or wealth of an individual or entity. It is called “direct” because the tax is levied directly on the person or entity that is liable to pay it. The tax liability cannot be shifted to… Read More »

Applicable GST: What does “GST extra as applicable” mean?

Applicable GST GST extra as applicable” indicates that the price mentioned for a product or service does not include the Goods and Services Tax imposed by the government. The GST amount will add separately to the quoted price, and the final price will include in it.  So the GST amount will add to the quoted… Read More »

What is the difference between interstate GST and intrastate GST?

Interstate GST and Intrastate GST   GST is applicable to both interstate GST and intrastate GST transactions, each with its own set of tax rates and regulations. GST, which stands for Goods and Services Tax, is a comprehensive indirect tax introduce in India on July 1, 2017. It replaced multiple indirect taxes levied by the… Read More »

What is the meaning of corporate assessee and non-corporate assessee?

Corporate and non-corporate assessee In India, the term “assessee” refers to an individual or entity that is legally liable to pay income tax under the Income Tax Act, 1961. The Income Tax Act categorizes taxpayers into two groups based on their legal structure:  For more information to Visit https://www.mca.gov.in A corporate assessee is an entity… Read More »

What is Terminal Tax?

Terminal tax  It refers to the ultimate tax payment that must make by an individual or entity prior to the conclusion of a tax period. This scenario commonly arises for businesses or self-employed individuals who obligate to pay provisional tax throughout the year, estimated based on their projected income. When the tax year concludes, the… Read More »