Tag Archives: #TaxAwareness

Tax planning with reference to managerial decisions?

Managerial Decisions   Tax planning, within the context of managerial decisions, refers to the strategic consideration of potential tax implications when making business decisions and integrating tax-efficient strategies into the decision-making process. Here’s a unique perspective on tax planning with reference to managerial decisions: Tax planning  involves a proactive and holistic approach to evaluate the… Read More »

Why tax planning is important for business?

               Tax planning is important for business    Tax planning holds significant importance for businesses for the following reasons: Minimizing Tax Liability: Effective tax planning allows businesses to minimize their tax liability by taking advantage of available deductions, exemptions, credits, and incentives. By optimizing their tax position, businesses can… Read More »

How to download Turnover Certificate from GST Portal?

Turnover Certificate from GST Portal   To download a turnover certificate from the GST (Goods and Services Tax) portal, you can follow these steps: 1. Visit the GST Portal: Go to the official GST portal of your country. For example, in India, the GST portal is https://www.gst.gov.in/. 2. Log in to Your GST Account: Log… Read More »

What is 15CA and 15CB certificate?

15CA and 15CB certificate   The 15CA and 15CB certificate are documents required by the Indian government for certain types of international transactions involving the transfer of money to non-resident individuals or entities. Here’s an explanation of each certificate: Form 15CA: This form is a declaration of remittance under Section 195(6) of the Income Tax… Read More »

ITR filing for freelancers?

ITR filing for freelancers ITR filing for freelancers, Freelancers in India are typically classified as self-employed individuals, and they are required to file their income tax return (ITR) using the appropriate ITR form based on their income and nature of work. Here are some key points to consider for ITR filing for freelancers: Choose the… Read More »

15CA/CB compliance?

15CA/CB Compliance   15CA/CB compliance involves adhering to the legal obligations established by the Indian government regarding the transfer of funds from residents to non-residents. It involves the submission of Form 15CA and obtaining Form 15CB to ensure proper reporting and taxation of cross-border transactions. To achieve 15CA/CB compliance, the following steps need to be… Read More »

Why ITR filing is important?

ITR Filing Important   ITR filing is important for several reasons: 1. Legal Requirement: It is a legal obligation imposed by the Income Tax Act, 1961 for individuals and entities meeting certain income criteria to file their income tax returns. Failure to comply with this requirement may attract penalties and legal consequences. 2. Income Verification:… Read More »

ITR for self employed: Which ITR to file for self employed ?

ITR for self employed For self-employed individuals in India, the Income Tax Return (ITR) form to be filed depends on the nature and source of income. Here are the common ITR forms applicable to different types of self-employed individuals: ITR-3: This form is applicable if you have income from business or profession as a partner… Read More »

ITR for non-salaried person: Which ITR to file for non salaried person ?

ITR for non-salaried person   For non-salaried individuals in India, the Income Tax Return (ITR) form to be filed depends on the nature and source of income. Here are the common ITR forms applicable to different types of non-salaried individuals: ITR-1 (Sahaj):  This form is applicable if you have income from salary, one house property,… Read More »

Is tax planning legal or illegal?

Tax Planning Legal or Illegal   The Tax planning legal or illegal, Tax planning is a legal and legitimate practice that individuals and businesses engage in to manage their tax obligations and minimize their tax liability.  Tax laws provide provisions and opportunities for taxpayers to legally reduce their tax burden through various strategies such as… Read More »