Tag Archives: #TaxationSystem

New vs Old Tax Regime

New vs Old Tax Regime The new tax regime under the Income Tax Act in India, introduced in the Union Budget 2020-21, offers taxpayers an alternative tax structure with lower tax rates but without various deductions and exemptions available under the old tax regime. New tax regime: 1. Lower Tax Rates: The new tax regime… Read More »

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Goods and Services Tax (GST) Goods and Services Tax (GST): The GST is a comprehensive indirect taxation system imposed on the provision of goods and services across India. It is a destination-base tax system that aims to replace multiple indirect taxes like excise duty, service tax, VAT (Value Added Tax), and others. 1. Introduction: GST… Read More »

Why no Permanent Establishment Certificate is Required ?

Permanent Establishment Certificate   Permanent Establishment Certificate: A ” typically refers to a document issued by tax authorities to confirm that a foreign company or entity does not have a permanent establishment (PE) in a particular country. A permanent establishment is a fixed place of business through which a company carries out its business activities,… Read More »

How to download Turnover Certificate from GST Portal?

Turnover Certificate from GST Portal   To download a turnover certificate from the GST (Goods and Services Tax) portal, you can follow these steps: 1. Visit the GST Portal: Go to the official GST portal of your country. For example, in India, the GST portal is https://www.gst.gov.in/. 2. Log in to Your GST Account: Log… Read More »

Property valuation Certificate by Chartered Accountant?

Property valuation Certificate by CA A property valuation certificate by a Chartered Accountant (CA) refers to a professional assessment conducted by a CA to determine the value of a property. Chartered Accountants who specialize in property valuation provide their expertise to evaluate the fair market value of a property and issue a valuation certificate. Here… Read More »

What is 15CA?

Form 15CA  Form 15CA is a declaration form require by the Indian government for certain types of international transactions involving the transfer of money to non-resident individuals or entities. Here’s an explanation of Form 15CA: 1. Purpose: This is used to provide information about the remittance being made to a non-resident or foreign entity. It… Read More »

why gst registration is important?

  GST Registration Importance   GST (Goods and Services Tax) registration is importance for several reasons: Legal Compliance: GST registration is a legal requirement for businesses that meet the turnover threshold specified by the government. Failing to comply with the GST registration requirements can lead to fines and legal ramifications. Legitimate Business Operations: GST registration… Read More »

What is 15CB?

Form 15CB Form 15CB is a certificate issued by a Chartered Accountant (CA) in India. It is require for certain international transactions involving the transfer of money to non-resident individuals or entities. Here’s an explanation of Form 15CB meaning: 1.Purpose: Form 15CB is use to certify that the remittance being made to a non-resident or… Read More »

Differences between 15CA and 15CB?

Differences between 15CA and 15CB   Differences between 15CA and 15CB, The main differences between 15CA and 15CB lies in their purpose and the entities responsible for their issuance. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between 15CA and 15CB the two forms: Form 15CA: 1.Purpose: Form 15CA is a declaration form that individuals or entities… Read More »