Tag Archives: #TaxationReform

Q200 Members of parliament income tax: Do members of parliament pay income tax?

Members of parliament income tax Website Link Certainly! Members of Parliament (MPs) in India are subject to income tax on their earnings, just like any other individual. The Income Tax Act, 1961 applies to the income earned by MPs, encompassing their salary, allowances, and additional benefits. MPs fall under the category of public servants as… Read More »

What are the implications of non registration with GST?

The implications of non registration with GST Non-registration with GST can have various implications, such as: If a business is not registered under GST, it cannot collect GST from its customers. This means that the business will have to bear the tax burden on its own, which could impact its profitability. To visit:https://www.gst.gov.in/ Penalty for… Read More »

What does it mean when we say GST is a destination based tax?

Destination based tax When we refer to GST (Goods and Services Tax) as a destination-based tax.  It implies that the tax is imposed at the final point of consumption for goods or services. The tax proceeds collecte by the state where the goods or services consumed, rather than the state where they produced. For more… Read More »

Which state does not accept GST in India? GST exempt state in India

Which state does not accept GST in India The implementation of GST in India was a significant tax reform that aimed to streamline the indirect tax structure and create a unified market. The state does not accept GST in India replaced various central and state taxes, such as excise duty, service tax, and value-added tax… Read More »

What is an e-invoice in GST?

E-invoicing The e-invoicing system in India is an electronic invoicing mechanism designed to generate invoices for transactions conducted by businesses under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. To Visit https://www.gst.gov.in/ The primary objective of the e-invoicing system is to reduce errors, minimize tax evasion, and simplify the tax filing process. The process involves generating… Read More »

What is One Time Tax?

Understanding One Time Tax “One Time Tax” does not have a universally defined meaning and can vary depending on the context. However, in general terms, understanding One Time Tax typically refers to a tax that levy only once on a specific transaction or event. For instance, during the purchase of a property, you may encounter… Read More »