Tag Archives: #TaxationNorms

What are 15CA and CB certificate?

15CA and CB certificate The 15CA and CB certificate are documents required by the Indian government for certain types of international transactions. Here’s an explanation of each certificate: Form 15CA: This form is a declaration of remittance under Section 195(6) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. It is require for any payment or transfer of… Read More »

15CA/CB compliance?

15CA/CB Compliance   15CA/CB compliance involves adhering to the legal obligations established by the Indian government regarding the transfer of funds from residents to non-residents. It involves the submission of Form 15CA and obtaining Form 15CB to ensure proper reporting and taxation of cross-border transactions. To achieve 15CA/CB compliance, the following steps need to be… Read More »

Is GST registration mandatory for MSME?

Is GST registration mandatory for MSME GST registration mandatory for (MSME)Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) if their aggregate turnover exceeds Rs. 40 lakhs (for goods suppliers) or Rs. 20 lakhs (for service providers). However, in some states, the threshold limit for GST registration for goods suppliers has been increased to Rs. 75 lakhs. To… Read More »

What are the taxes that you pay on dividends and how do they work in India?

Drawbacks of a single member LLC Drawbacks of a single member LLC, In India, the taxation of dividends received by shareholders has undergone changes. Previously, dividends were subject to Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT), which was levy on companies distributing dividends. However, effective April 1, 2020, DDT was abolish, and the taxation of dividend income shifted… Read More »

Are you legally liable for any tax issues like GST in India if you are a member of a co-working space?

GST in India As a member of a co-working space, you may not be legally liable for any tax issues like GST in India unless you register as a business or an individual taxpayer. The liability for GST or other taxes depends on the nature and scope of your business activities, your turnover and your… Read More »