Tag Archives: #TaxationFundamentals

What is TDS, and how does it work?

Tax deduction What is TDS? TDS stands for Tax Deducted at Source. It is a system introduced by the Income Tax Department of India to collect tax at the origin of income. According to this system, a person (referred to as the deductor) responsible for making certain payments (like salary, rent, professional fees, etc.) is… Read More »

What is direct tax and indirect tax?

Indirect and Direct Tax    Indirect and Direct tax is a type of tax that is imposed on the income or wealth of an individual or entity. It is called “direct” because the tax is levied directly on the person or entity that is liable to pay it. The tax liability cannot be shifted to… Read More »

What is the difference between interstate GST and intrastate GST?

Interstate GST and Intrastate GST   GST is applicable to both interstate GST and intrastate GST transactions, each with its own set of tax rates and regulations. GST, which stands for Goods and Services Tax, is a comprehensive indirect tax introduce in India on July 1, 2017. It replaced multiple indirect taxes levied by the… Read More »

What is the meaning of corporate assessee and non-corporate assessee?

What is the Meaning of Corporate Assessee and Non-Corporate Assessee? Introduction Taxation plays a crucial role in a country’s economic system, ensuring revenue generation for developmental activities. In India, tax laws classify taxpayers into various categories based on their legal structure and operations. Among these classifications, corporate and non-corporate assessees stand out as two primary… Read More »

What does it mean when we say GST is a destination based tax?

Introduction What does it mean when we say GST is a destination based tax? Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a revolutionary tax reform that has streamlined indirect taxation in many countries, including India. One of its key features is that it is a “destination-based tax. ” This means that the government levies tax at… Read More »