Tag Archives: #TaxationConsulting

What is 15CB?

    User Intent Users searching for Form 15CB are likely looking for an in-depth understanding of its purpose, application, and benefits. They might be tax payers, accountants, or business owners dealing with foreign remittances who need to know when and how to use this form. This article provides a step-by-step explanation to help them… Read More »

How much GST-registration can be issued on one PAN number?

How much GST-registration can be issued on one PAN number In India, a business or individual can have multiple GST registrations under a single PAN (Permanent Account Number). However, there are specific scenarios that determine the need for multiple registrations. 1. Different States If a business operates in multiple states, it must obtain separate GST… Read More »

GST regis. for multiple states: How is the GST registration done for multiple states?

GST registration for multiple states GST registration can obtain a taxable person under GST in each of the State or Union Territory, from where the taxable supply of goods or services made. For example, if a restaurant operates in the States of Maharashtra and Delhi, then separate GSTIN would have to be obtained for Maharashtra… Read More »

Will GST be levied on a legal barter transaction done between 2 companies?

Legal barter transaction   Legal barter transaction, Yes, GST (Goods and Services Tax) may be levy on a legal barter transactions done between two companies. According to the GST Act, any supply of goods or services made for a consideration in the course of business or commerce is taxable, including barter transactions. The value of… Read More »