Tag Archives: #TaxationAdvice

How to download Turnover Certificate from GST Portal?

Turnover Certificate from GST Portal   Introduction A Turnover Certificate is an essential document that provides details about a business’s total turnover over a specific period. Businesses registered under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India often require this certificate for compliance, loan applications, or tax assessments. This article provides a step-by-step guide on… Read More »

Property valuation Certificate by Chartered Accountant?

Property valuation Certificate by CA A property valuation certificate by a Chartered Accountant (CA) refers to a professional assessment conducted by a CA to determine the value of a property. Chartered Accountants who specialize in property valuation provide their expertise to evaluate the fair market value of a property and issue a valuation certificate. Here… Read More »

What is 15CB?

    User Intent Users searching for Form 15CB are likely looking for an in-depth understanding of its purpose, application, and benefits. They might be tax payers, accountants, or business owners dealing with foreign remittances who need to know when and how to use this form. This article provides a step-by-step explanation to help them… Read More »

Differences between 15CA and 15CB?

  User Intent Users searching for differences between Form 15CA and 15CB are likely individuals or businesses dealing with international transactions, remittances, or tax compliance in India. They want clarity on when to use each form, their applications, benefits, and limitations. Introduction When making payments to a non-resident outside India, compliance with income tax regulations… Read More »

15CA/CB compliance?

15CA/CB Compliance   15CA/CB compliance involves adhering to the legal obligations established by the Indian government regarding the transfer of funds from residents to non-residents. It involves the submission of Form 15CA and obtaining Form 15CB to ensure proper reporting and taxation of cross-border transactions. To achieve 15CA/CB compliance, the following steps need to be… Read More »

What is 15CA?

  15CA definition Form 15CA is a declaration form required by the Indian government for certain remittances made by residents of India to non-residents. It is used to ensure that appropriate taxes deduct and pay to the government before the funds are transferred abroad. 15CA definition When an Indian resident makes a remittance to a… Read More »

How file ITR 3?

ITR-3 Form   To file your Income Tax Return (ITR) using ITR-3 form, which is applicable for individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) having income from a business or profession, you can follow these steps: 1. Gather your documents: Collect all the necessary documents, including your business income details, profit and loss statement, balance sheet,… Read More »

How to file ITR 2?

How to file ITR 2 To file your Income Tax Return (ITR) using ITR-2 form, which is applicable to individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) having income from various sources except for business or profession, you can follow these steps: 1. Gather your documents: Collect all the necessary documents, including your Form 16 (if applicable),… Read More »

TDS compliance for private limited company?

TDS compliance for Pvt LTD Company   TDS Compliance for a Pvt LTD company involves fulfilling various requirements to deduct and remit TDS on specified transactions. Here are the key aspects of TDS compliance for a private limited company: Obtain TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number): Ensure that the private limited company has obtained… Read More »