Tag Archives: #TaxableIncomeIndia

What is the taxability of invoices in India?

Taxability Of Invoices In India In India, invoices are not taxed directly. Instead, taxes such as GST (Goods and Services Tax) or VAT (Value Added Tax) are levied on the value of goods or services mentioned in the invoice. The tax amount is calculated based on the applicable tax rate and added to the invoice… Read More »

What are the tax implications for an individual who becomes a non-resident after 5 years of residency but continues to run a proprietorship business in India?

International Taxation International taxation, Taxability of non-resident individual with active business in India If an individual who was a resident of India for 5 years and running a proprietorship business in India becomes a non-resident, the taxability of their business income in India will depend on the source of the income and the residential status… Read More »