Tag Archives: #SupplyChainManagement

Why procurement should not report to finance?

Why procurement should not report to finance   Operational efficiency, Procurement and finance are separate functions within an organization, each with its own distinct objectives and responsibilities. While it is common for procurement and finance departments to collaborate closely, there are valid reasons why procurement should not directly report to finance. Here are a few… Read More »

Where does procurement report to?

Procurement report   Procurement report is typically reports to the following departments or positions within an organization: 1. Supply Chain Management: In many organizations, procurement is a part of the broader supply chain management function. Procurement teams collaborate closely with supply chain management teams to ensure the timely and cost-effective sourcing, purchasing, and delivery of… Read More »

Business partnership agreement roles and responsibilities ?

Business partnership agreement   In a business partnership agreement, the roles and responsibilities of each partner are typically outlined to establish clarity and accountability within the partnership. While the specific roles and responsibilities may vary depending on the nature of the business and the agreement between the partners, here are some common roles and responsibilities… Read More »

What does it mean when we say GST is a destination based tax?

Introduction What does it mean when we say GST is a destination based tax? Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a revolutionary tax reform that has streamlined indirect taxation in many countries, including India. One of its key features is that it is a “destination-based tax. ” This means that the government levies tax at… Read More »