Tag Archives: #IndianTaxation

Is there any penalty for not filing of tax audit report for the Wholesaler?

Tax Audit penalties for wholesaler   Yes, there can Tax Audit penalties for wholesaler in India. According to the Income Tax Act of India, businesses that meet certain financial thresholds required to have their accounts audited by a chartered accountant and submit a tax audit report along with their income tax return. This requirement is… Read More »

How to ensure that Statutory audit is aplicable for the Doctors or not?

Legal Requirement of Statutory audit   Legal Requirement of Statutory audit for certain types of businesses in India. The Companies Act, 2013, which governs companies in India, specifies the criteria for businesses that are required to undergo a statutory audit. The following are the criteria for statutory audit for doctors in India: If the doctor’s… Read More »

How to download Turnover Certificate from GST Portal?

Turnover Certificate from GST Portal   To download a turnover certificate from the GST (Goods and Services Tax) portal, you can follow these steps: 1. Visit the GST Portal: Go to the official GST portal of your country. For example, in India, the GST portal is https://www.gst.gov.in/. 2. Log in to Your GST Account: Log… Read More »

What is 15CA?

Form 15CA  Form 15CA is a declaration form require by the Indian government for certain types of international transactions involving the transfer of money to non-resident individuals or entities. Here’s an explanation of Form 15CA: 1. Purpose: This is used to provide information about the remittance being made to a non-resident or foreign entity. It… Read More »

How to add 15ca for 15cb?

 Add Form 15CA and 15CB   To add Form 15CA details for Form 15CB, you can follow these steps: 1. Obtain Form 15CB: First, ensure that you have the completed Form 15CB. This form is issue by a Chartered Accountant (CA) and certifies that the remittance is in compliance with the provisions of the Income… Read More »

What is 15CB?

Form 15CB Form 15CB is a certificate issued by a Chartered Accountant (CA) in India. It is require for certain international transactions involving the transfer of money to non-resident individuals or entities. Here’s an explanation of Form 15CB meaning: 1.Purpose: Form 15CB is use to certify that the remittance being made to a non-resident or… Read More »

Differences between 15CA and 15CB?

Differences between 15CA and 15CB   Differences between 15CA and 15CB, The main differences between 15CA and 15CB lies in their purpose and the entities responsible for their issuance. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between 15CA and 15CB the two forms: Form 15CA: 1.Purpose: Form 15CA is a declaration form that individuals or entities… Read More »