Tag Archives: #GSTComplianceCheck

What are the things one should know about GST?

Basics of GST   Basics of GST, Goods and Services Tax, is a comprehensive indirect tax that was introduce in India on July 1, 2017, with the aim of simplifying the tax structure and eliminating multiple layers of taxation. Here are some key things one should know about GST: 1.GST is a destination-based tax: GST… Read More »

How to check GST compliance?

GST compliance To check your GST compliance, you can proceed by following these steps: Visit the official GST portal or website of your country’s tax authority responsible for GST administration. Login to your GST account using your registered credentials such as your GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) and password. To visit https://www.gst.gov.in/ Once… Read More »

GST compliance for e commerce operator?

GST for Ecommerce Operator   GST for Ecommerce operator, involves fulfilling the Goods and Services Tax (GST) requirements set by the tax authority. Here are some key aspects of GST compliance for an e-commerce operator: GST Registration: An e-commerce operator is required to obtain GST registration, irrespective of its turnover. The registration process involves providing… Read More »