Tag Archives: #FiscalManagement

Why TDS was introduced?

Introduction of TDS   Introduction of TDS,The concept of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) was implement to streamline the process of tax collection, enhance adherence to tax regulations, and tackle the diverse issues encountered by tax authorities. Here are some reasons why TDS was introduced: Revenue Assurance: TDS helps in ensuring a steady flow of… Read More »

Is income tax included in the GDP?

Is income tax included in the GDP No, income tax does not consider in the calculation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Income tax included in the GDP quantifies the total value of goods and services generated within a country’s boundaries over a defined time frame, typically a year. Income tax a tax levy on the… Read More »

What are the implications of non registration with GST?

The implications of non registration with GST Non-registration with GST can have various implications, such as: If a business is not registered under GST, it cannot collect GST from its customers. This means that the business will have to bear the tax burden on its own, which could impact its profitability. To visit:https://www.gst.gov.in/ Penalty for… Read More »