Tag Archives: #CorporateGovernance

Company Registration

Company Registration Company registration or incorporation in India involves several steps and legal formalities to establish a business entity legally recognized under Indian law. Here’s a comprehensive overview: 1. Choose the Type of Company: Select the appropriate legal structure for your business, such as: a). Private Limited Company b). Liability Partnership (LLP) c). One Person… Read More »

Prepares financial statement: Who prepares the financial statements ?

Prepares financial statement The financial statements are typically prepared by the company’s accounting and finance department or by professional accountants and auditors. These individuals have the knowledge and expertise to accurately compile and analyze financial data in accordance with accounting principles and standards. It is mandatory to Prepares financial statement.  In smaller businesses, the financial… Read More »

Are LLPs governed by companies act?

LLPs governed by companies act   In India, LLPs are governed by the companies Act, 2008, which is also a separate law. While there may be some similarities between the governance of companies and LLPs, such as certain reporting and compliance requirements, the specific legal framework and regulations for LLPs are usually outlined in their… Read More »

Why procurement should not report to finance?

Operational Efficiency   Operational efficiency, Procurement and finance are separate functions within an organization, each with its own distinct objectives and responsibilities. While it is common for procurement and finance departments to collaborate closely, there are valid reasons why procurement should not directly report to finance. Here are a few key points: 1. Independence and… Read More »

Can LLP(Limited Liability Partnership) issue debentures?

      Limited Liability Partnership Limited Liability Partnership: Debentures are a type of debt instrument. It is issued to raise funds from investors by corporations or companies typically in exchange for fixed interest payments and repayment of the principal amount at a future date. LLPs, on the other hand, are perform as partnerships and… Read More »

LLP are to be registered with?

LLP are to be registered with   LLP are to be registered with: LLPs (Limited Liability Partnerships) typically need to be registered with the appropriate government agency or registrar in the jurisdiction where they operate. The specific registration requirements and procedures can vary depending on the country or region in question. Here are a few… Read More »

What LLPs agreement?

LLPs Agreement   An LLPs agreement also known as a Limited Liability Partnership agreement, is a legal document that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the partners in a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). The LLP agreement is a crucial document that governs the internal operations and relationships among the partners.   The LLP agreement… Read More »

Are LLP regulated ?

  Are LLP regulated Are LLP regulated: The regulation of LLPs (Limited Liability Partnerships) can vary depending on the jurisdiction in which they operate. Different countries and regions have their own laws and regulations governing the establishment, operation, and compliance requirements for LLPs. In many jurisdictions, LLPs are subject to specific regulations and requirements. These regulations… Read More »

Q20.16 What are the objectives of preparing financial statements ?

Preparing financial statements Website Link: Preparing financial statements: The objectives of preparing financial statements are as follows: 1.Providing Information: Financial statements aim to provide relevant and reliable information about the financial performance, position, and cash flows of an entity. They offer insights into the organization’s financial activities, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions. 2.Assessing Performance:… Read More »

What is LLP act 2008 ?

    What is LLP act 2008: The LLP Act 2008 refers to the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, which is an Indian legislation that governs the formation, operation and dissolution of Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) in India. LLP Act 2008 was enacted by the Parliament of India and came into effect on April 1,… Read More »