Calculation Of Total Income
To calculate your total income, you will need to add up all of the income you have earned during the year from various sources. Calculation of total income can include:
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1.Salary or wages earned from your job
2.Income from freelance or self-employment work
3.Interest earned from savings accounts or investments
4.Capital gains from the sale of assets such as stocks or property
5.Rental income from properties that you own
6.Any other sources of income
Once you have determined all of your sources of income, add them together to get your total income. You will also need to subtract any allowable deductions or exemptions, such as contributions to a retirement account or charitable donations, to arrive at your taxable income. From there, you can use the applicable tax brackets and rates to calculate your final tax liability. It is recommended to seek the guidance of a tax professional or use a tax software program to ensure accuracy in your calculations.
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