Can a female form a HUF?

By | June 14, 2023

Female Forming HUF

Female forming HUF


Female forming HUF, in the context of Indian law and traditions, a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) typically formed by male members of a Hindu family who are lineal descendants of a common ancestor.

Traditionally, females were not consider as the karta (manager) of the HUF, and the role reserved for male members. However, the legal landscape has evolved over time, and there have been significant changes in the recognition and participation of female members in HUFs. 

In 2005, the Hindu Succession Act amend, granting equal rights to daughters in ancestral property. As a result, daughters now have the same rights and liabilities as sons in the HUF.

This means that if a daughter becomes the sole surviving coparcener (a person who acquires an interest in the HUF property by birth), she can become the karta of the HUF.

However, it’s important to note that the formation of an HUF is still primarily based on male lineage. While a female member can become the karta in certain circumstances, she cannot independently form an HUF as the sole founder.

The HUF is generally formed through a common male ancestor, and subsequent female members inherit their share by birthright.

The specific rules regarding HUFs can vary based on personal laws and individual circumstances, so it’s advisable to consult with a legal professional who specializes in Hindu family law for accurate and up-to-date information. Female forming HUF


To visit:

HUF Full Form, How to Form an HUF and Get Tax Benefits in 2023


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