Will of HUF property?

By | June 12, 2023

HUF Property

 Will of HUF Property


A Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is a unique entity in Indian law that allows families to manage joint property and income together. One common concern within HUFs is the succession and distribution of property after the demise of a family member, particularly the Karta (head of the family). This is where the concept of a will becomes crucial.

What is a Will?

A will is a legal document that outlines how a person’s assets should be distributed after their death. In the context of Hindu Undivided Family property, it’s important to understand its limitations and the legal framework governing it.

Key Points About HUF Property and Wills

Karta’s Role: The Karta cannot create a will for the HUF property because it is not owned solely by him but is a collective asset of all family members.

Individual Shares: While HUF property cannot be willed as a whole, individual members can will their respective shares of the property. This is particularly relevant in case of a partition.

Rights of Members: After the 2005 amendment to the Hindu Succession Act, daughters have equal rights in Hindu Undivided Family property. They can also will their share as they see fit.

Intestate Succession: If a member dies without a will (intestate), their share in the HUF property will be inherited by their legal heirs according to the Hindu Succession Act.

Impact of Partition: A will does not result in the partition of HUF property. Partition is a separate process that requires mutual consent among family members.

Non-Family Members: It cannot be willed to non-family members, as it is intended to remain within the family unit.


The wills of Hindu Undivided Family property plays a crucial role in the orderly transfer of assets among family members. Understanding the limitations and rights associated with HUF property is essential for effective estate planning.


To visit: https://www.mca.gov.in/




1. Can the Karta of an HUF make a will for HUF property?

  • Answer: No, the Karta cannot make a will for HUF property because it belongs to the entire family and not just the Karta.

2. Can an individual member will their share of HUF properties?

  • Answer: Yes, individual members can will their share of the HUF property, but the share must be determined at the time of partition.

3. What happens to Hindu Undivided Family property after the Karta’s death?

  • Answer: After the Karta’s death, the next senior-most male member typically becomes the Karta, and the property remains within the HUF.

4. Can an Hindu Undivided Family be dissolve through a will?

  • Answer: No, It cannot be dissolve through a will. It can only be dissolved through partition or when all members agree to dissolve it.

5. Can a woman bequeath her share in HUF properties?

  • Answer: Yes, a woman can will her share in HUF properties, particularly after the 2005 amendment to the Hindu Succession Act, which grants daughters equal rights in HUF property.

6. Is the share of a coparcener (member with inheritance rights) fix in HUF properties?

  • Answer: No, the share of a coparcener is not fixed and fluctuates with births and deaths in the family until a partition occurs.

7. What happens to a member’s HUF share if they die without a will?

  • Answer: If a member dies intestate (without a will), their share in the HUF properties passes on to their legal heirs according to the Hindu Succession Act.

8. Can a coparcener’s minor children inherit their share of HUF properties?

  • Answer: Yes, minor children of a deceased coparcener can inherit their parent’s share in HUF properties.

9. Can HUF property be pass to non-family members via a will?

  • Answer: No,it cannot be will to non-family members since it belongs to the family as a collective unit.

10. Does creating a will cause a partition of HUF properties?

  • Answer: No, creating a will does not lead to partition. Partition happens when the family members decide to divide the property, not through a will.


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