What does an internal auditor do?

By | June 10, 2023

Internal auditor

Internal auditor

Internal auditors play a vital role in ensuring the integrity, efficiency, and effectiveness of an organization’s operations. While many people are familiar with external audits, internal auditing is equally crucial in maintaining the financial health, operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance of a company. This blog will explore what internal auditors do, their responsibilities, and their importance to organizational success.

Who is an Internal Auditor?

An internal auditor is a professional employed by an organization to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Unlike external auditors, who are typically hired from outside the organization to provide an independent review of financial statements.

Internal auditors are in-house employees. They provide continuous assessments as well as feedback to help management address weaknesses and improve operational efficiency.

Internal auditors often have a background in accounting, finance, or business administration. In addition to technical skills, they must have a deep understanding of the organization’s goals, risks, and compliance requirements.

Key Responsibilities of an Internal Auditor

Internal auditors are responsible for a wide range of tasks, which can be broadly categorized into the following areas:

1. Risk Management

One of the primary responsibilities of an internal auditor is to assess the organization’s risk management processes. Every organization faces risks, whether financial, operational, or regulatory, and an effective risk management strategy is critical for success.

  • Identifying Risks: Internal auditors work to identify areas where risks may occur, such as in financial reporting, operational inefficiencies, data breaches, or non-compliance with laws.
  • Assessing Risk Exposure: After identifying risks, the internal auditor evaluates the severity of each risk as well as its potential impact on the organization.
  • Recommending Mitigations: Based on their risk assessment, internal auditors offer recommendations to management on how to mitigate or reduce these risks.

For example, if an internal auditor identifies that an organization’s IT systems are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, they will recommend implementing stronger security measures, updating software, or conducting regular IT audits.

2. Internal Controls Evaluation

Auditors are also task with evaluating the effectiveness of an organization’s internal controls. Controls are processes designed to ensure the reliability of financial reporting, compliance with laws and regulations, and operational efficiency.

  • Testing Controls: Internal auditors test the effectiveness of various controls, such as approvals for financial transactions, data security protocols, and operational checks.
  • Identifying Weaknesses: If controls are ineffective or non-existent, auditors will identify these weaknesses and assess their potential impact on the organization.
  • Improving Controls: Auditors suggest improvements to internal controls to help safeguard the organization’s assets and ensure accurate reporting.

For example, if an internal auditor finds that financial transactions over a certain amount are not being approve by senior management as required, they will recommend strengthening the approval process.

3. Compliance Audits

Compliance with laws, regulations, and internal policies is a critical area of focus for internal auditors. Regulatory frameworks vary depending on the industry, but all organizations are required to adhere to certain rules and guidelines to avoid both legal risks and penalties.

  • Reviewing Compliance Programs: Internal auditors examine whether the organization complies with all relevant laws and regulations. This can include tax laws, employment regulations, health and safety standards, and industry-specific regulations.
  • Identifying Non-Compliance: If auditors find that the company is not adhering to regulatory requirements, they will alert management and recommend corrective actions.
  • Monitoring Implementation: Internal auditors also track the implementation of recommend actions to ensure that compliance issues are resolved.

The Importance of Internal Auditors

Internal auditors are essential for maintaining the financial and operational health of an organization. They provide independent as well as objective assessments that help management make informed decisions, reduce risks, and ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

  • Safeguarding Assets: By identifying weaknesses in internal controls, internal auditors help prevent the misappropriation or loss of assets.
  • Enhancing Efficiency: Through operational audits, internal auditors identify inefficiencies and suggest improvements that can reduce costs and increase productivity.
  • Ensuring Compliance: Internal auditors help organizations stay compliant with laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal penalties or reputational damage.
  • Improving Financial Accuracy: Financial audits ensure that financial statements are accurate, reliable, and free from material misstatements or fraud.


Internal auditors play a crucial role in helping organizations manage risks, improve controls, ensure compliance, and enhance operational efficiency. Their continuous assessments provide valuable insights that support the long-term success of the organization.

Whether it’s reviewing financial statements, testing internal controls, or advising on strategic initiatives, internal auditors are vital for maintaining a company’s financial integrity and overall health.


  1. What is the role of an internal auditor?
    Ans. An internal auditor evaluates a company’s internal controls, risk management, and compliance processes to ensure efficiency, accuracy, and compliance with laws.
  2. How does an internal audit differ from an external audit?
    Ans: Internal audits are conducted by in-house auditors focusing on operational and financial processes, while external audits are performed by independent auditors to verify financial statements.
  3. Why are internal auditors important to a company?
    Ans: Internal auditors help identify risks, enhance operational efficiency, ensure regulatory compliance, and prevent fraud, thus protecting the organization’s assets.
  4. Do internal auditors only focus on financial matters?
    Ans: No, internal auditors evaluate both financial and operational processes, including IT systems, compliance as well as  laws, and overall organizational efficiency.
  5. How often do internal audits occur?
    Ans: Internal audits can occur regularly throughout the year, based on a predetermined audit schedule or in response to specific organizational needs.
  6. Can internal auditors identify fraud?
    Ans: Yes, internal auditors are trained to identify signs of fraud and irregularities in financial and operational processes, helping to prevent financial loss.
  7. Do internal auditors provide recommendations?
    Ans: Yes, after reviewing processes and controls, internal auditors provide recommendations to improve efficiency, mitigate risks, and enhance governance practices.
  8. Who do internal auditors report to?
    Ans: Internal auditors typically report to senior management or an audit committee to maintain independence and objectivity within the organization.
  9. What qualifications do internal auditors need?
    Ans: Internal auditors usually have a background in accounting or finance, often holding both certifications like (CIA) or (CPA) .
  10. How do internal auditors support risk management?
    Ans: Internal auditors assess potential risks as well as  weaknesses within an organization’s processes and recommend strategies to mitigate or manage those risks effectively.


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Internal auditor


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