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29. Tax Deductions for Spas and Parlor: What tax deductions are available for Spas & Parlor Services during ITR filing?

Manpower Tax Deductions

Tax Deductions for Spas and Parlor


Tax Deductions for Spas and Parlor, here a rundown of potential tax deductions for spas and parlor services when filing their income tax returns:

1. Equipment and Furnishings Costs:

You’re eligible to deduct the expenses incurred in acquiring essential furniture and equipment for your business, encompassing massage tables, facial beds, chairs, and various supplies.

2. Rent and Utilities:

The rent for your business space, coupled with utility expenses such as electricity, water, and gas, can be claimed as deductions.

3. Promotion and Marketing Outlays:

You can subtract the costs associated with advertising and marketing endeavors, which encompass both digital and traditional channels like online ads, print advertisements, and public relations expenses.

4. Travel Expenditures:

Deductible expenses include the costs tied to business-related travel, be it for attendance at trade shows, conferences, or similar engagements.

5. Professional Service Fees:

Fees paid to professionals like lawyers and accountants in the course of business operations are deductible.

6. Insurance Premiums:

Deduct the insurance premiums paid for business-related coverage such as liability and property insurance.

7. Depreciation of Assets:

The depreciation of assets like equipment, furnishings, and buildings used in your business can be claimed as deductions over time.

8. Interest Costs:

Interest expenses stemming from loans employed for business financing are deductible.

9. Miscellaneous Expenses:

Various sundry expenses incurred during business operations, ranging from office supplies and postage to additional travel expenses, can be considered for deductions.


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