Tag Archives: #TaxSavingsHacks

What is tax planning?

Tax Planning   Tax Planning is a lawful and widespread approach embraced by individuals and businesses to reduce their tax obligations while operating within the boundaries of relevant tax legislation. Tax plannings involves reviewing your financial situation, income sources, deductions, credits, and other relevant factors to identify legal strategies that can help reduce your overall… Read More »

What is Wealth Tax Planning?

Wealth Tax Planning   Wealth tax planning involves strategies and techniques aimed at minimizing the impact of wealth taxes imposed by certain countries on individuals’ net assets or wealth. It is important to note that wealth taxes are not levied in all jurisdictions, and their applicability and specific rules vary from country to country. Here… Read More »

How to do tax planning for individual?

Tax Planning for Individual   Introduction Tax planning is a crucial financial strategy that helps individuals optimize their tax liabilities while complying with legal regulations. Proper tax planning ensures savings, financial security, and efficient wealth management. Definition Tax planning refers to the process of analyzing financial situations and implementing strategies to minimize tax liabilities. It… Read More »

What is a tax exemption?

What is a tax exemption?   A tax exemption refers to the exclusion of certain income, investments, or expenses from being subject to taxes. Governments grant tax exemptions to encourage specific activities or provide benefits to particular groups of taxpayers. For instance, in India, under Section 80TTA of the Income Tax Act, the interest earned… Read More »