Tag Archives: #TaxRefundCheck

Who needs to file an ITR ?

Who needs to file an ITR Individuals and entities that are liable to pay income tax in India are required to file an Income Tax Return. Let’s define Who needs to file an ITR Filing Income Tax Returns is necessary because it’s a legal requirement and it helps to  declare income accurately, calculates tax liability,… Read More »

How tax plannings?

Tax Plannings Tax plannings encompasses various strategies and factors aimed at reducing tax obligations and maximizing your overall financial position. Here are some key steps to effectively implement tax planning n How tax planning:  1. Understand Tax Laws: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the tax laws and regulations applicable to your jurisdiction. This includes knowledge… Read More »

What is an income tax refund?

What is an income tax refund? What is an income tax refund? The refund amount is calculated by subtracting the actual tax liability from the total taxes paid. If the total taxes paid exceed the actual tax liability. The excess amount refund to the taxpayer as a reimbursement. If any individual or business entity has… Read More »