Tag Archives: #TaxCompliance101

Is tax planning legal or illegal?

Tax Planning Legal or Illegal   The Tax planning legal or illegal, Tax planning is a legal and legitimate practice that individuals and businesses engage in to manage their tax obligations and minimize their tax liability.  Tax laws provide provisions and opportunities for taxpayers to legally reduce their tax burden through various strategies such as… Read More »

What is difference between of Tax planning and Tax avoidance?

                                                                                                              … Read More »

Tax planning vs tax compliance?

                                                    Tax planning vs tax compliance Tax planning vs tax compliance, Here’s a comparison between tax planning and tax compliance: Taxation Planning: Tax planning involves strategic decision-making and the implementation… Read More »

How to get gst compliance rating?

How to Get GST Compliance Rating   GST compliance rating, As of September 2021, there is no specific GST compliance rating system in India. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) compliance is primarily assessed based on the timely and accurate filing of GST returns, payment of taxes, and adherence to the GST laws and regulations.… Read More »

What is the difference between TDS vs TCS?

Difference between TDS vs TCS    Difference between TDS vs TCS, TDS and TCS are both types of tax collection mechanisms in India, but they differ in their nature, purpose, and applicability. TDS TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) is a tax collection mechanism that requires a person to deduct tax at a prescribed rate from the… Read More »