Tag Archives: #TaxAudit

21. Is a Tax Audit Report required for Grocery & Merchandise Stores?

Tax Audit Report Whether a tax audit report is require for grocery and merchandise stores depends on the following factors: 1. The size of the business: I f the business has a turnover of more than INR 1 crore, it is require to get its accounts audited by a chartered accountant. 2. The type of… Read More »

What is the penality and due date of tax audit report for School, Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools?

Dedline of Tax Audit Report for School   The dedline of tax audit report for school, colleges, universities, and professional schools in India typically falls on September 30th of the assessment year, which is the year following the financial year in which the audit is being conducted. For instance, for the financial year 2022-2023, the… Read More »

What is the key criteria that determine whether a engineer is required to undergo a Tax Audit Report or not?

Tax Audit Criteria for Engineer   The key criteria that determine whether an engineer is required to undergo a Tax Audit Report are as follows: 1. Gross receipts or turnover of the business: If the gross receipts or turnover of the business exceeds Rs. 1 crore, then a tax audit is required. 2. Cash transactions:… Read More »

What is the threshold limit and due date of tax audit report for School, Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools?

Audit for EducationalInstitutions   Tax Audit for EducationalInstitutions threshold limit and due date  for educational institutions like schools, colleges, universities and professional schools in India are as follows: Threshold Limit: Education institutions required to get a tax audit done if their total gross receipts or turnover exceed ₹1 crore in a financial year. If the… Read More »

Can you explain the concept of GST (Goods and Services Tax) and its implications for tour and travel agencies during a tax audit?

GST for for Tour and Travel   GST for for Tour and Travel, GST (Goods and Services Tax) is a comprehensive form of indirect taxation imposed on the provision of goods and services at every stage of their production or distribution. It has replaced multiple cascading taxes like VAT, service tax, and excise duty, streamlining… Read More »