Tag Archives: #TaxationReview

New vs Old Tax Regime

New vs Old Tax Regime The new tax regime under the Income Tax Act in India, introduced in the Union Budget 2020-21, offers taxpayers an alternative tax structure with lower tax rates but without various deductions and exemptions available under the old tax regime. New tax regime: 1. Lower Tax Rates: The new tax regime… Read More »

What are 15CA and CB certificate?

15CA and CB certificate The 15CA and CB certificate are documents required by the Indian government for certain types of international transactions. Here’s an explanation of each certificate: Form 15CA: This form is a declaration of remittance under Section 195(6) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. It is require for any payment or transfer of… Read More »

15CA/CB compliance?

15CA/CB Compliance   15CA/CB compliance involves adhering to the legal obligations established by the Indian government regarding the transfer of funds from residents to non-residents. It involves the submission of Form 15CA and obtaining Form 15CB to ensure proper reporting and taxation of cross-border transactions. To achieve 15CA/CB compliance, the following steps need to be… Read More »

TDS compliance for private limited company?

TDS compliance for Pvt LTD Company   TDS Compliance for a Pvt LTD company involves fulfilling various requirements to deduct and remit TDS on specified transactions. Here are the key aspects of TDS compliance for a private limited company: Obtain TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number): Ensure that the private limited company has obtained… Read More »

Are gst trusts revocable?

  GST Trusts Revocable GST trusts revocable,GST trusts, alternatively referred to as GST trusts revocable, are distinct trusts design with the specific intent of facilitating estate planning and the transfer of wealth. These trusts are characterized by their irrevocable nature. These trusts are commonly use to minimize or avoid estate taxes and provide for the… Read More »

Can TDS be deducted on the accreditation fee?

Can TDS be deducted on the accreditation fee The answer to this question depends on the specific circumstances and nature of the accreditation fee. In general, TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) is applicable to certain types of payments made by businesses, such as salaries, rent, and professional fees. If the validation fee can be classified… Read More »