Tag Archives: #TaxationConsiderations

What are the implications of non registration with GST?

The implications of non registration with GST Non-registration with GST can have various implications, such as: If a business is not registered under GST, it cannot collect GST from its customers. This means that the business will have to bear the tax burden on its own, which could impact its profitability. To visit:https://www.gst.gov.in/ Penalty for… Read More »

What are the taxes that you pay on dividends and how do they work in India?

Drawbacks of a single member LLC Drawbacks of a single member LLC, In India, the taxation of dividends received by shareholders has undergone changes. Previously, dividends were subject to Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT), which was levy on companies distributing dividends. However, effective April 1, 2020, DDT was abolish, and the taxation of dividend income shifted… Read More »