Tag Archives: #TaxationCode

What are 15CA and CB certificate?

15CA and CB certificate The 15CA and CB certificate are documents required by the Indian government for certain types of international transactions. Here’s an explanation of each certificate: Form 15CA: This form is a declaration of remittance under Section 195(6) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. It is require for any payment or transfer of… Read More »

TDS compliance in tax audit report?

TDS compliance in tax audit report TDS compliance in tax audit report, In the context of a tax audit report, ensuring compliance with TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) is a vital factor that requires attention. Here are some key considerations regarding TDS compliance in a tax audit report: Verification of TDS Deductions: The tax auditor will… Read More »

What is One Time Tax?

Understanding One Time Tax “One Time Tax” does not have a universally defined meaning and can vary depending on the context. However, in general terms, understanding One Time Tax typically refers to a tax that levy only once on a specific transaction or event. For instance, during the purchase of a property, you may encounter… Read More »