Tag Archives: #StartupLegalFramework

LLP or PVT ltd which is better for startup?

LLP or PVT Ltd Determining whether an LLP or Pvt Ltd (Private Limited) company is better for a startup depends on various factors and the specific needs of your business. Here are some factors to consider: 1. Liability Protection: Both LLPs and Pvt Ltd companies offer limited liability protection to their owners. However, Pvt Ltd… Read More »

What is sole proprietorship registration?

Registration of Sole Proprietorship  Sole proprietorship registration is the process of officially establishing and legalizing a sole proprietorship business. While the registration requirements can vary depending on the jurisdiction, the general steps involved in sole proprietorship registration are as follows: Choose a Business Name: Select a name for your sole proprietorship. You can use your… Read More »

What are the limitations involved in registering a private limited company?

What are the limitations involved in registering a private limited company? Introduction Starting a business is an exciting journey, but choosing the right type of business structure is crucial for long-term success. One of the most popular options for entrepreneurs is a Private Limited Company (Pvt Ltd) due to its limited liability, separate legal identity,… Read More »

Can I register an LLP by myself?

Self registration LLP   Introduction Can I register an LLP by myself:-A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a popular business structure that offers the flexibility of a partnership while providing limited liability protection to its partners. Many entrepreneurs wonder whether they can register an LLP by themselves without professional assistance. The answer is yes! With… Read More »

Can I open a Private limited company at my own residence?

Opening a private limited company at home  Starting a business is a significant step, and many entrepreneurs explore various options for setting up their companies. One common question that arises is whether a private limited company can be registered at a residential address. What is a Private Limited Company? A private limited company is a… Read More »