Tag Archives: #SocialImpact

Fund Utilization Certificate in the Reference of CSR?

Fund Utilization Certificates   Meaning of Fund Utilization Certificates: A Fund Utilization Certificate is a document that verifies the appropriate utilization of funds allocated for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. In the context of CSR, companies required to allocate a certain portion of their profits towards social and environmental initiatives. The Fund Utilization Certificate serves… Read More »

Business partnership agreement roles and responsibilities ?

Business partnership agreement   In a business partnership agreement, the roles and responsibilities of each partner are typically outlined to establish clarity and accountability within the partnership. While the specific roles and responsibilities may vary depending on the nature of the business and the agreement between the partners, here are some common roles and responsibilities… Read More »

Cooperative society vs NGO?

NGO and Cooperative society     Cooperative society and NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) are different types of organizations that operate with distinct purposes and structures. Here’s a comparison between the two: Cooperative Society: A cooperative society is a type of organization form by individuals who come together voluntarily to address their common economic, social, or cultural needs… Read More »

Who is the NGO?

Non-Governmental Organization   The term “NGO” stands for Non-Governmental Organization. NGOs are typically independent, non-profit organizations that operate independently of government control and are focused on addressing specific social or environmental issues. NGOs can be established by individuals, groups of individuals, or even corporations. There are countless NGOs operating worldwide, each with its own specific… Read More »

Can a Nonprofit be a social enterprise?

Nonprofit organization   A nonprofit organization (NPO) operates to serve a public or social benefit rather than generating profit for owners or shareholders. Unlike for-profit businesses, a nonprofit’s primary goal is to support charitable, educational, religious, cultural, or scientific purposes. These organizations reinvest any surplus funds back into their mission, ensuring that the majority of… Read More »

Cooperative society vs NGO?

Cooperative society and NGO.  Cooperative society and NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) are different types of organizations that operate with distinct purposes and structures. Here’s a comparison between the two: Cooperative Society: A cooperative society is a type of organization formed by individuals who come together voluntarily to address their common economic, social, or cultural needs and… Read More »