Tag Archives: #ReturnOnAssets

Q304 What are basic accounting terminologies?

Basic accounting terminologies Website link Basic accounting terminologies:  Here are some basic accounting terminologies: 1.Assets: Resources owned by a business that has monetary value and are expected to provide future benefits. 2.Liabilities: Obligations of a business to pay debts or other financial obligations. 3.Equity: Equity refers to the ownership interest in a company or property,… Read More »

How do I tell if a company profitability from balance sheet?

Company profitability from balance sheet While a company’s balance sheet provides useful information about its financial position, it may not provide a direct indication of profitability. To determine a company profitability, one should look at its income statement, which shows revenue, expenses, and net income. To visit https://www.gst.gov.in/ However, the balance sheet can provide some… Read More »