Tag Archives: #PublicAccess

Are business analysts project managers?

Project Managers   Business analysts and project managers are separate roles within an organization, although there can be some similarities in their responsibilities based on the particular situation. Here are some key points to understand the difference between business analysts and project managers: Business Analysts: 1. Business analysts focus on understanding business needs, identifying problems… Read More »

Are business profits public record?

Business Profits   In India, business profits are not typically regarded as public information in the same manner as financial statements or annual reports. Business profits are typically consider confidential information and are not readily available for public access. The financial information of a business, including its profits, generally disclosed to relevant stakeholders such as… Read More »

Are business financial statements public information?

Business financial statements: Yes, in many countries, business financial statements are considered public information and are made available for public access. The specific requirements for disclosure and accessibility may vary depending on the country and the legal framework in place. In general, publicly traded companies typically require to file their financial statements with the relevant… Read More »