Tag Archives: #ProfitAndLoss

What are the key financial statements audited for Freelancers?

Financial Statements Audited for Freelancers Financial Statements Audited for Freelancers in India typically have a simplified financial structure compared to traditional businesses, which reflects in the key financial statements audited for them. The main financial statements audited for freelancers in India are: ◘ Income Statement: This statement provides a summary of the freelancer’s revenues and… Read More »

Prepares financial statement: Who prepares the financial statements ?

Prepares financial statement The financial statements are typically prepared by the company’s accounting and finance department or by professional accountants and auditors. These individuals have the knowledge and expertise to accurately compile and analyze financial data in accordance with accounting principles and standards. It is mandatory to Prepares financial statement.  In smaller businesses, the financial… Read More »

What type of financial reports does the business/organization prepare?

Financial Reports   Businesses and organizations typically prepare various financial reports to assess their financial performance, communicate financial information to stakeholders, and support decision-making. Some common types of financial reports include: 1. Income Statement (Profit and Loss Statement): This report summarizes the revenues, expenses, and resulting net income or net loss over a specific period.… Read More »

How to prepare financials of a company?

Preparing the financials of a company    Preparing the financials of a company involves several steps. Here is a general outline of the process: 1.Collect and Organize Financial Data: Gather all relevant financial information, such as transaction records, bank statements, invoices, receipts, and other supporting documents. Ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and organized… Read More »

Q10.41 Bookkeeping accountant job description ?

Bookkeeping accountant job description Website link Bookkeeping accountant job description A bookkeeping accountant, alternatively referred to as a bookkeeper or accounting clerk, assumes a vital position in upholding accurate financial records and verifying the precision of monetary transactions within an organization.. Here is a general job description for a bookkeeping accountant: Financial Record Keeping: Maintain… Read More »

Q10.39 Book keeping and accounting meaning ?

Book keeping and accounting meaning Website link Book keeping and accounting meaning Bookkeeping and accounting are two closely related concepts that involve the recording, organizing, and reporting of financial transactions and information for a business or organization. While they are interconnected, they have distinct meanings: Bookkeeping: Bookkeeping refers to the process of recording and maintaining… Read More »

Meaning Of Turnover Certificate

Meaning Of Turnover Certificate Meaning of turnover certificate typically refers to a document issued by a company or organization that provides information about its financial turnover during a specific period. The turnover certificate used to validate or verify the revenue generated by the company within the given time frame. It often requested by external parties,… Read More »

What is book keeping accounting?

Book Keeping   Book keeping is a subset of accounting and refers to the process of recording and organizing financial transactions of a business. It involves systematically recording the financial activities such as sales, purchases, receipts, and payments in appropriate books or electronic records. Accounting, on the other hand, encompasses a broader set of activities… Read More »

Where to find profit on financial statements?

Profit Financial Statements   To find the profit on financial statements, you can refer to the following sections: 1. Income Statement Profit and Loss Statement: The income statement is a financial statement that summarizes the revenues, expenses, and resulting profit or loss for a specific period. The profit typically displayed as “Net Income” or “Net… Read More »