Tag Archives: #PersonalFinanceTips

What qualifies as liquid net worth?

Qualifies as Liquid Net Worth   Qualifies as Liquid Net Worth, Liquid net worth is the term used to describe the part of someone’s or an organization’s total net worth that comprises assets which can be easily convert into cash without experiencing substantial depreciation in value or time delay. The specific assets that qualify as… Read More »

How do I determine my liquid net worth?

Determine   To determine your liquid net worth, you need to assess the value of your liquid assets and subtract your liabilities. Here’s a step-by-step process: Identify Liquid Assets: Make a list of all your liquid assets, including cash, checking and savings accounts, money market accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and… Read More »

What is Terminal Tax?

Terminal tax  It refers to the ultimate tax payment that must make by an individual or entity prior to the conclusion of a tax period. This scenario commonly arises for businesses or self-employed individuals who obligate to pay provisional tax throughout the year, estimated based on their projected income. When the tax year concludes, the… Read More »

What is a tax exemption?

Tax exemption   A tax exemption refers to the exclusion of certain income, investments, or expenses from being subject to taxes. Governments grant tax exemptions to encourage specific activities or provide benefits to particular groups of taxpayers. For instance, in India, under Section 80TTA of the Income Tax Act, the interest earned on a savings… Read More »