Tag Archives: #OPCIncorporation

OPC or sole proprietorship?

OPC or Sole Proprietorship     Here’s an overview of each: OPC (One Person Company): OPC is a legal business structure that allows a single individual to establish a company with limited liability. It provides benefits such as separate legal identity and limited liability protection, meaning the personal assets of the owner are generally protected… Read More »

Q4.75 Formation: OPC can be formed by ?

Formation Website Link: Formation: In India, a One Person Company (OPC) can be formed by a single individual who meets the following criteria: Resident of India: The individual formation the OPC must be a resident of India. This means that they should have stayed in India for a minimum period as prescribed by the government,… Read More »

Can an OPC have two directors?

Can an OPC have two directors No, an OPC (One Person Company) can have only one director. As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 in India, an OPC can have only one director who is also the sole shareholder of the company. The concept of an OPC is designed to enable single-person entrepreneurship,… Read More »

Can an OPC be a holding company?

What is an OPC? A One Person Company (OPC) is a relatively new business structure introduced in many countries, including India, through the Companies Act, 2013. It allows a single individual to own and operate a company with the benefits of limited liability. An OPC enjoys several features similar to a private limited company but… Read More »

Can OPC issue debentures

Debentures     Can OPC Issue Debentures? The concept of OPC, introduced under the Companies Act, 2013 in India, aims to provide sole proprietors a formal structure that separates personal and business liabilities. However, when it comes to raising capital, particularly through issuing debentures, there are specific considerations for OPCs. What are Debentures? Debentures are… Read More »

How can I register a one-person company?

  Introduction Starting a business is a dream for many entrepreneurs, but legal complexities can often be overwhelming. Fortunately, a One-Person Company (OPC) provides a simplified way for solo entrepreneurs to establish a legally recognized business entity. An OPC combines the benefits of a sole proprietorship with the legal advantages of a private limited company,… Read More »