Tag Archives: #MoneyWise

When does LLP repayment start?

LLP repayment start   Here are some general considerations: Loan Agreement: The loan agreement specifies the terms and conditions of the loan, including the repayment schedule. It typically indicates when the repayment obligations begin, such as a specific date or a certain period after the loan disbursement. Grace Period: Some loan agreements may include a… Read More »

Tax Planning can help?

   Tax Planning can help   Introduction Tax planning is an essential financial strategy that helps individuals and businesses optimize their tax liabilities legally. It involves analyzing financial situations and structuring transactions to take advantage of tax benefits, deductions, and exemptions. By implementing effective tax planning, taxpayers can maximize their savings while remaining compliant with… Read More »

Tax planning is medium of reducing tax ?

Reducing tax Yes, tax planning is a method use to reduce tax liabilities legally and within the framework of tax laws and regulations. It involves analyzing an individual’s or business’s financial situation and using available tax strategies and incentives to minimize the amount of tax paid. The goal of tax planning is reducing tax position… Read More »

What are tax planning strategies?

Tax planning strategies Tax planning strategies involve various techniques and approaches to legally minimize tax liabilities and optimize a taxpayer’s financial situation. Here are some common tax planning strategies:  Income Deferral: Delaying the receipt of income to a later tax year, such as deferring bonuses or income from investments, can help lower your taxable income… Read More »

When is gst tax due?

Deadlines for GST Tax Payments   The specific deadlines for GST tax payments vary based on the taxpayer’s category and the frequency of their filinga Here are some general guidelines for GST tax due dates in India: Monthly GST Return Filers: For businesses that file their GST returns on a monthly basis, the tax due… Read More »