Tag Archives: #MoneyTips

What qualifies as liquid net worth?

Qualifies as Liquid Net Worth   Qualifies as Liquid Net Worth, Liquid net worth is the term used to describe the part of someone’s or an organization’s total net worth that comprises assets which can be easily convert into cash without experiencing substantial depreciation in value or time delay. The specific assets that qualify as… Read More »

How to Utilize Funds?

Fund Allocation Strategies Fund allocation strategies, Utilizing funds effectively involves careful planning, allocation, and monitoring.   Here are some steps to consider when it comes to utilizing funds:   1.Define Objectives: Clearly identify the objectives and goals that the funds are intended to support. This could be project-specific goals, operational needs, or strategic initiatives. 2.Develop… Read More »

What is liquid net worth calculator ?

Liquid Net Worth Calculator     A liquid net worth calculator is a tool or online resource designed to assist individuals in determining their liquid net worth. It automates the process of determining the value of liquid assets, calculating liabilities, and providing a final estimation of liquid net worth. These calculators are designed to simplify… Read More »

How to claim GST refund?

How to claim GST refund To initiate a GST refund claim, please follow these steps: Access the GST portal by logging in with your provided username and password. Navigate to the ‘Services’ tab and select ‘Refunds’. For site: https://www.gst.gov.in/ Click on ‘Application for Refund’ and choose the appropriate refund type. Complete the application form by… Read More »