Tag Archives: #MoneySense

What is difference between of Tax planning and Tax avoidance?

                                                                                                              … Read More »

Tax planning vs tax preparation?

Tax Planning: Tax planning involves proactive strategies and actions taken throughout the year to minimize tax liability and optimize financial outcomes. It focuses on analyzing the taxpayer’s financial situation, exploring tax-saving opportunities, and implementing strategies to legally reduce taxes. Tax planning aims to strategically manage financial affairs, take advantage of applicable tax laws and provisions,… Read More »

When is gst tax due?

Deadlines for GST Tax Payments   The specific deadlines for GST tax payments vary based on the taxpayer’s category and the frequency of their filinga Here are some general guidelines for GST tax due dates in India: Monthly GST Return Filers: For businesses that file their GST returns on a monthly basis, the tax due… Read More »

What is Terminal Tax?

Terminal tax  It refers to the ultimate tax payment that must make by an individual or entity prior to the conclusion of a tax period. This scenario commonly arises for businesses or self-employed individuals who obligate to pay provisional tax throughout the year, estimated based on their projected income. When the tax year concludes, the… Read More »

What is a tax exemption?

Tax exemption   A tax exemption refers to the exclusion of certain income, investments, or expenses from being subject to taxes. Governments grant tax exemptions to encourage specific activities or provide benefits to particular groups of taxpayers. For instance, in India, under Section 80TTA of the Income Tax Act, the interest earned on a savings… Read More »