Tag Archives: #LLPManagementResponsibilities

LLP what is a designated member ?

Designated member LLP       Designated member LLP: Within a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), a designated member stands as a partner who assumes additional responsibilities and obligations, as mandated by the LLP’s legal framework. The concept of designated members is specific to LLPs and is different from regular members or partners. Here are some… Read More »

Who owns LLP?

Who Owns an LLP?   In the world of business structures, the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) stands out for its blend of flexibility and protection. If you’re considering forming an LLP or just curious about how it works, understanding ownership is a key component. So, let’s dive into who owns an LLP and what that… Read More »

Who governs LLP?

Who governs LLP   LLP Governance: Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are governed by the relevant LLP legislation of the respective jurisdiction. Here’s an explanation of the governing bodies and their roles: Registrar of Companies (RoC): The RoC is a government office or department that maintains a registry of LLPs and companies within a specific jurisdiction.… Read More »

Who manages LLP?

Management of LLP   In a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), the management is typically handled by the partners collectively or as specified in the LLP agreement. Here’s an overview of the management structure in management of LLP. 1.Partner-Managed LLP: By default, an LLP is partner-managed, meaning all partners have the right to participate in the… Read More »

How LLP is different from partnership?

LLP is different from partnership   LLP is different from partnership: An LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) and a general partnership have some key differences that distinguish them as distinct business structures. Here are the main differences which explain how LLP is different from partnership: 1.Liability: In a general partnership, all partners have unlimited personal liability… Read More »

LLP vs Partnership: LLP difference with partnership ?

LLP vs Partnership   A Limited Liability Partnership and a partnership are both forms of business entities that involve two or more individuals or entities coming together to carry out a business venture. However, there are some key differences between an LLP and a partnership as follow: 1.Liability: In a partnership, the partners have unlimited… Read More »

LLP and LLC Difference?

LLP and LLC Difference   Here are the key distinctions: 1. Structure: An LLP is a partnership where the partners have limited liability, similar to an LLC. However, an LLP also retains some characteristics of a traditional partnership, such as flexibility in management and the ability for partners to actively participate in the business’s operations.… Read More »