Tag Archives: #LLPLegalStatus

Why LLP is better than company?

Why LLP is better than company   The choice between a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and a company structure is influenced by various factors, and what may be a suitable option for one business may not necessarily be the optimal decision for another. However, there are certain situations where LLPs are considered advantageous compared to… Read More »

Is LLP not a legal entity?

Is LLP not a legal entity Defining LLPs An LLP is a distinct legal form of business entity that combines features of both partnerships and corporations. It offers partners limited liability protection, shielding their personal assets from the debts and liabilities of the partnership, while allowing them to participate in the management and operation of… Read More »

LLP is a body corporate ?

LLP is a body corporate Certainly! An LLP is recognized as an independent legal entity and is categorized as a corporate body. This means that an LLP has its own legal existence independent of its partners. One notable characteristic of an LLP is its independent legal existence, which allows it to establish contractual relationships, hold… Read More »

How LLP is better than partnership ?

How LLP is better than partnership   Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) provide numerous advantages over traditional partnerships, making them a preferred choice for many businesses. Here are some reasons which explain why an LLP is better than partnership:  1. Limited Liability: One of the significant advantages of an LLP is that it provides limited liability… Read More »