Tag Archives: #LLPConsultation

Can LLP raise ECB?

Can LLP raise ECB   Can LLP raise ECB: External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) typically refer to borrowing funds from foreign sources by Indian entities. While Indian companies can raise ECBs under certain conditions, the regulations regarding ECBs do not specifically mention LLPs (Limited Liability Partnerships). Therefore, it is generally not common for LLPs to raise… Read More »

Are LLP regulated ?

  Are LLP regulated Are LLP regulated: The regulation of LLPs (Limited Liability Partnerships) can vary depending on the jurisdiction in which they operate. Different countries and regions have their own laws and regulations governing the establishment, operation, and compliance requirements for LLPs. In many jurisdictions, LLPs are subject to specific regulations and requirements. These regulations… Read More »

LLP formation requirements: Who can form LLP ?

LLP formation requirements   LLP formation requirements: Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) can be formed by a group of individuals or entities who meet the requirements and fulfill the necessary legal procedures. Here’s a breakdown of Who can form LLP: Individuals: Two or more individuals can come together to form an LLP. They may be professionals,… Read More »

How LLP will form for doctors?

LLP for doctors   LLP for doctors A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) can be a suitable legal structure for doctors who wish to collaborate and operate their medical practice together. Here are some key considerations when using an LLP for doctors: 1. Liability Protection: One of the key benefits of an LLP for doctors is… Read More »

LLP vs. Partnership: Which is better LLP or partnership ?

LLP vs. Partnership   LLP and Partnership: The captivating process of choosing between a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and a general Partnership finds its essence in your specific circumstances and business goals. Within this transformative decision lies a tapestry of factors awaiting your discerning evaluation. Explore the following points, delving into the depths of comparison… Read More »

Is LLP for lawyers ?

LLP for lawyers   LLP for lawyers: A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is an ideal legal structure for lawyers seeking to join forces and run their legal practice collectively while maintaining individual liability protection. Here are some key considerations when using an LLP for lawyers: 1. Limited liability protection: Limited liability protection is a key… Read More »

Is LLP for selling Goods or services?

Is LLP for selling Goods or services LLP for sale: If you are referring to using a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) for the purpose of selling goods or services, it is possible to operate a business involved in sales activities as an LLP. Here are some key considerations: 1. Legal Structure: LLP for sale provide… Read More »

When LLP is applicable ?

When LLP applicable   When LLP applicable: Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are applicable and suitable for various situations. Here are some common scenarios where an LLP may be applicable:  Professional Services: LLPs are commonly used by professionals such as lawyers, accountants, architects, consultants, and similar service-oriented businesses. It allows these professionals to operate as a… Read More »

When LLP is compulsory ?

When LLP is compulsory     The requirement for forming a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) varies by jurisdiction. In some countries, LLP may be a voluntary option for business entities, while in others, it may be mandatory for certain types of businesses or professions. Here are some scenarios where forming an LLP may be compulsory:… Read More »

Is LLP not a legal entity?

Is LLP not a legal entity Defining LLPs An LLP is a distinct legal form of business entity that combines features of both partnerships and corporations. It offers partners limited liability protection, shielding their personal assets from the debts and liabilities of the partnership, while allowing them to participate in the management and operation of… Read More »