Tag Archives: #LLPComplianceCheck

When LLP is compulsory ?

When LLP is compulsory     The requirement for forming a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) varies by jurisdiction. In some countries, LLP may be a voluntary option for business entities, while in others, it may be mandatory for certain types of businesses or professions. Here are some scenarios where forming an LLP may be compulsory:… Read More »

LLP with One Member

LLP with One Member   In many jurisdictions, including India, it is possible to form a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) with one member. This means that you can establish an LLP where you are the sole member. However, it’s important to note that the regulations and requirements for single-member LLPs may vary depending on the… Read More »

Is an LLP Agreement mandatory for all LLP’s?

LLP Agreement Is an LLP Agreement mandatory for all LLP’s: Yes, an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) Agreement is mandatory for all LLPs in most of the countries. The LLP Agreement is a legal document that sets out the rights and obligations of the partners, the profit-sharing ratio, the management structure, and other important details related to… Read More »