Tag Archives: #LegalProtection

How LLP is better than partnership ?

How LLP is better than partnership   Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) provide numerous advantages over traditional partnerships, making them a preferred choice for many businesses. Here are some reasons which explain why an LLP is better than partnership:  1. Limited Liability: One of the significant advantages of an LLP is that it provides limited liability… Read More »

Q6.74 Business partnership vs LLC ?

Business partnership vs LLC A business partnership and a limited liability company (LLC) are two distinct legal structures for businesses. Business partnership vs LLC: 1.Liability Protection: Partnership: In a partnership, partners have unlimited personal liability for the debts and obligations of the business. This means that if the partnership cannot meet its financial obligations, partners… Read More »

Business partnership without agreement?

Business Partnership without Agreement   While it is not recommended, it is possible to form a business partnership without a formal written agreement. However, operating without a partnership agreement can leave the partners vulnerable to potential disputes and legal complications. Here are some considerations regarding forming a business partnership without an agreement: 1. Lack of… Read More »

Business partnership agreement form?

  Business partnership agreement form    A business partnership agreement form is a legally binding document that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the partners in a partnership. While it is recommended to consult with a legal professional to draft a partnership agreement specific to your business needs and jurisdiction. Here are some common… Read More »

Q6.36 Necessity of registering a partnership: Does partnership need to be registered ?

Necessity of registering a partnership Website link Necessity of registering a partnership The requirement for registering a partnership can vary depending on the jurisdiction in which the partnership operates. In some countries, registration of a partnership is not mandatory, and partners can enter into a partnership agreement and conduct business without formal registration. However, in… Read More »

When does a company become private limited?

Private limited company formation   Private limited company formation,A company becomes a private limited company upon fulfilling certain legal requirements and obtaining the necessary approvals from the regulatory authorities. The key steps for a company to become a private limited company are as follows: Incorporation: The company must go through the process of incorporation, which… Read More »

Why private limited company?

Why private limited company There are several reasons why individuals choose to register a company as a private limited company: Limited Liability Protection: One of the key advantages of a pvt. limited company is limited liability protection. This means that the personal assets of the shareholders are generally protected in case the company incurs debts… Read More »

Q5.16 Importance of Company Registration: Why company registration is important ?

Importance of Company Registration Importance of Company Registration Website Link Importance of Company Registration:Company registration is important for several reasons: Legal Recognition: Registering a company gives it legal recognition as a separate legal entity from its owners (shareholders). It establishes the company as a distinct entity with its own rights, liabilities, and obligations. This separation… Read More »