Tag Archives: #LegalIssues

Meaning of LLP in law: What does LLP stand for in law ?

Meaning of LLP in law   Meaning of LLP in law: In the realm of law, the acronym LLP denotes “Limited Liability Partnership.” An LLP represents a legal business structure that amalgamates aspects of a partnership and a corporation. It offers the advantage of limited liability protection to its partners. It is commonly used by… Read More »

LLP without partnership agreement

LLP Without Partnership Agreement   LLP without partnership agreement Although there may be no legal obligation to establish a partnership agreement for an LLP in certain jurisdictions, it is strongly recommended to have such an agreement in effect. A partnership agreement helps clarify the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of the partners, and it provides a clear… Read More »

Q6.36 Necessity of registering a partnership: Does partnership need to be registered ?

Necessity of registering a partnership Website link Necessity of registering a partnership The requirement for registering a partnership can vary depending on the jurisdiction in which the partnership operates. In some countries, registration of a partnership is not mandatory, and partners can enter into a partnership agreement and conduct business without formal registration. However, in… Read More »

Can an OPC be a holding company?

Can an OPC be a holding company No, an OPC (One Person Company) cannot be a holding company. As per the Companies Act, 2013 in India, which governs OPCs, an OPC is specifically designed for small businesses with a single owner. An OPC is not allowed to be a member of another company, which means… Read More »

Can opc issue debentures

Debentures   No, an OPC (One Person Company) not permitted to issue debentures. According to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 in India, an OPC restricted from issuing any kind of securities including it. The concept of an OPC is design to facilitate single-person entrepreneurship and to provide limited liability protection to the sole… Read More »

Partnership firm registration is compulsory or not?

Compulsory registration of partnership firm   Compulsory registration of partnership firm,The requirement for partnership firm registration can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific laws and regulations of the country or state where the partnership operates. In many jurisdictions, registration of a partnership is not mandatory, and partners can enter into a partnership agreement… Read More »

Risk in taking GST on home address: Is there any risk in taking GST on home address?

Risk in taking GST on home address There is no inherent risk in taking GST registration on a home address. Before taking GST registration on a home address, certain factors must be considered. For more information visit this site: https://www.gst.gov.in/ Firstly, it is important to ensure that the residential premises is a suitable place of business,… Read More »

Q220 Consequences: What are the consequences of not sending an e-invoice after selling products under the new Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime in India?

Consequences Website Link Consequences: Failure to comply with the e-invoicing requirements under the new Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime in India can have several consequences: Penalty: Failure to comply with the e-invoicing requirements may lead to penalties, which can range up to Rs. 10,000 or 1% of the transaction value, whichever is higher. 10,000… Read More »

What if I do not pay my income tax?

What if I do not pay my income tax If you do not pay your income tax, it will be considered as taxes evasion, which is a serious offense under the Income Tax Act in India. If the Income Tax Department finds out about the non-payment of tax, it can take various legal actions against… Read More »