Tag Archives: #LegalGuidelines

Private limited company registration under companies act 2013?

    Companies Act 2013 To establish a private limited company under the Companies Act 2013 in India, it is imperative to meticulously follow the registration process elucidated below: 1.Obtain Director Identification Number (DIN): Ensure that all proposed directors of the company have a Director Identification Number (DIN) issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs… Read More »

Are secretarial standards mandatory?

Secretarial Standards Secretarial Standards, Indeed, specific corporations in India are obligate to adhere to secretarial standard, ensuring their compliance with regulatory requirements. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has issued Secretarial Standard that are applicable to companies based on their size, turnover, and other criteria. Secretarial Standards provide guidelines and rules for the… Read More »

Secretarial compliance meaning?

Secretarial compliance Secretarial compliance, refers to the adherence and fulfillment of legal and regulatory requirements related to corporate governance and company law by a company or organization. It involves ensuring that the company’s activities, operations, and decision-making processes comply with the applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines. Secretarial compliance typically covers a range of activities and… Read More »

What are the implications of non registration with GST?

The implications of non registration with GST Non-registration with GST can have various implications, such as: If a business is not registered under GST, it cannot collect GST from its customers. This means that the business will have to bear the tax burden on its own, which could impact its profitability. To visit:https://www.gst.gov.in/ Penalty for… Read More »

Can I open a Private limited company at my own residence?

Opening a private limited company at home  Opening a private limited company at home address is follow some steps: Address Proof: You must provide a valid address proof for the registered office of the company. You have the option to use either your residential address or any other accessible commercial address for the registered office… Read More »