Tag Archives: #LeadershipDevelopment

Turnover V/s Retention

Turnover V/s Retention   Turnover V/s Retention, Turnover and retention are two crucial concepts in human resources management that center around the movement of employees within an organization. Here’s a comparison between Turnover vs. retention: 1.Definition: Turnover: Turnover refers to the rate or number of employees who leave an organization within a specified period, typically… Read More »

Are business analysts project managers?

Project Managers   Business analysts and project managers are separate roles within an organization, although there can be some similarities in their responsibilities based on the particular situation. Here are some key points to understand the difference between business analysts and project managers: Business Analysts: 1. Business analysts focus on understanding business needs, identifying problems… Read More »

Where does procurement report to?

Procurement report   Procurement report is typically reports to the following departments or positions within an organization: 1. Supply Chain Management: In many organizations, procurement is a part of the broader supply chain management function. Procurement teams collaborate closely with supply chain management teams to ensure the timely and cost-effective sourcing, purchasing, and delivery of… Read More »

Why Turnover is important?

Importance of Turnover   Importance of Turnover in business for several reasons: 1. Financial Performance: Turnover provides a measure of a company’s revenue generation and financial performance. It indicates the amount of money flowing into the business from sales of goods or services. High turnover generally suggests healthy financial performance, while low turnover may indicate… Read More »

Why Turnover rate is important ?

Turnover Rate The turnover rate, also known as the employee attrition rate, is an important metric for organizations to monitor and analyze. Here are some reasons why the turnover rate is considered important: 1.Cost of Turnover: High turnover can be costly for businesses. When employees leave, there are expenses associated with recruiting, onboarding, and training… Read More »

Who does project manager report to?

  Project manager reporting structure   Project manager reporting structure, A project manager typically reports to a higher-level manager or executive within the organization. The specific reporting structure can vary depending on the size and structure of the organization, as well as the nature of the project. Here are some common reporting relationships for Project manager… Read More »

Why accounting firms are partnerships ?

Partnership model in accounting firms Accounting firms often choose the partnership structure for several reasons: 1.Shared Expertise: Accounting firms typically consist of partners who are experienced and knowledgeable in the field of accounting. By forming a partnership, they can combine their expertise and skills, allowing for a broader range of services to be offered to… Read More »

Why private limited company?

Why private limited company There are several reasons why individuals choose to register a company as a private limited company: Limited Liability Protection: One of the key advantages of a pvt. limited company is limited liability protection. This means that the personal assets of the shareholders are generally protected in case the company incurs debts… Read More »