Tag Archives: #IncomeTaxConsultants

15CA/CB compliance?

15CA/CB Compliance   15CA/CB compliance involves adhering to the legal obligations established by the Indian government regarding the transfer of funds from residents to non-residents. It involves the submission of Form 15CA and obtaining Form 15CB to ensure proper reporting and taxation of cross-border transactions. To achieve 15CA/CB compliance, the following steps need to be… Read More »

TDS compliance in tax audit report?

TDS compliance in tax audit report TDS compliance in tax audit report, In the context of a tax audit report, ensuring compliance with TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) is a vital factor that requires attention. Here are some key considerations regarding TDS compliance in a tax audit report: Verification of TDS Deductions: The tax auditor will… Read More »

What is the difference between section 112 and 112A of the Income Tax Act, 1961?

Section 112 Vs. 112A Income Tax  Section 112 and Section 112A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 address the taxation of long-term capital gains from the sale of listed equity shares or equity-oriented mutual funds. However, there are several distinctions between these two sections Section 112 Vs. 112A Income Tax. Applicability: Section 112 covers all… Read More »