Tag Archives: #FinancialWellbeing

Are tax planning fees deductible ?

Tax Planning Fees Deductible   Tax planning feesmay be deductible as a business expense if they are incurred for the purpose of managing and minimizing your tax liability. However, the deductibility of tax planning  depends on the tax laws and regulations of your jurisdiction. In general, tax fees that are directly related to the determination,… Read More »

How to prepare projected and estimated balance sheet?

Estimated Balance Sheet   Preparing projected and estimated balance sheet, one must anticipate the financial standing of a business at a future date by using projected information and assumptions. Here are the steps to prepare a projected and estimated balance sheet: 1. Gather Relevant Data: Collect historical financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and… Read More »

Is a managed fund worth it?

Managed Fund   Whether a managed fund is worth it depends on various factors and individual preferences. Here are some considerations to help you evaluate the worth of a managed fund: 1. Professional Expertise: These funds are typically managed by professional fund managers who have expertise in investment strategies and market analysis. If you lack… Read More »

How to calculate liquid net worth of a person?

Liquid Net Worth of a Person Understanding your financial health is crucial, and one of the most telling indicators is your liquid net worth. Unlike general net worth, which includes all assets, liquid net worth focuses on the assets that can be quickly and easily converted to cash. This measure provides a clearer picture of… Read More »

Can liquid net worth be higher than net worth?

Can Liquid Net Worth be Higher Than Net Worth Can liquid net worth be higher than net worth yes, This represents the overall financial value of an individual or entity and is calculated by subtracting total liabilities from total assets. It is a measure of wealth and provides an indication of the individual’s or entity’s financial… Read More »

Is bookkeeping important?

Bookkeeping Importance   Bookkeeping importance Yes, maintaining accurate records is of utmost importance for both businesses and individuals due to a multitude of reasons: 1. Financial Record Keeping: Bookkeeping helps maintain accurate and organized financial records of all transactions, including income, expenses, sales, and purchases. This information is crucial for tracking financial activities and providing… Read More »

Why ITR filing is important?

ITR Filing Important   ITR filing is important for several reasons: 1. Legal Requirement: It is a legal obligation imposed by the Income Tax Act, 1961 for individuals and entities meeting certain income criteria to file their income tax returns. Failure to comply with this requirement may attract penalties and legal consequences. 2. Income Verification:… Read More »

What are the benefits of tax planning?

Benefits of Tax Planning   Benefits of tax planning, Tax planning offers substantial benefits that can vary depending on individual circumstances, leading to a diverse range of potential advantages. Here are some commonly observed benefits of engaging in tax planning: Reduced Tax Liability: One of the main benefits of tax planning is the ability to… Read More »

Q14.19 How to do tax planning ?

                                                                                    Tax planning Website link Tax planning: Tax planning involves implementing strategies and making… Read More »