Tag Archives: #FinancialSustainability

When making financial projections why must a business owner consider economic conditions ?

Financial Projections   Financial Projections: A business owner must consider economic conditions when making financial projections because the overall economic environment can have a significant impact on the performance of their business. Here are some reasons why economic conditions should be taken into account: 1. Market Demand: Economic conditions influence consumer behavior and purchasing power.… Read More »

What type of financial reports does the business/organization prepare?

Financial Reports   Businesses and organizations typically prepare various financial reports to assess their financial performance, communicate financial information to stakeholders, and support decision-making. Some common types of financial reports include: 1. Income Statement (Profit and Loss Statement): This report summarizes the revenues, expenses, and resulting net income or net loss over a specific period.… Read More »

How LLP can raise funds?

How LLP can raise funds         Points under how LLP can raise funds:  Capital Contributions: LLP partners can contribute capital to the LLP in the form of cash, assets, or property. These contributions increase the LLP’s capital and provide funds for the business. How LLP can raise funds.  Loans and Credit Facilities:… Read More »

Q20.16 What are the objectives of preparing financial statements ?

Preparing financial statements Website Link: Preparing financial statements: The objectives of preparing financial statements are as follows: 1.Providing Information: Financial statements aim to provide relevant and reliable information about the financial performance, position, and cash flows of an entity. They offer insights into the organization’s financial activities, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions. 2.Assessing Performance:… Read More »

Why financial statements are prepared?

Financial Statements are Prepared Financial Statements are Prepare, Company financial statements are usually craft by the accounting and finance department of the company, comprising proficient accountants, financial analysts, and other experts well-versed in financial reporting. The Financial Statements are Prepare encompasses various stages, which include: 1.Gathering Financial Data: The accounting team collects and organizes financial… Read More »

Why is asset Valuation important?

Importance Of AssetValuation   Here are some several reasons of Importance Of AssetValuation: 1. Financial Reporting: Accurate asset valuation is essential for the preparation of financial statements. Assets are a significant component of a company’s financial position, and their values directly impact financial ratios, such as asset turnover, return on assets, and debt-to-equity ratio. Proper… Read More »

Annual Impairment Testing of Assets: Which assets are required to be tested for impairment Annually ?

Annual Impairment Testing of Assets Under accounting standards such as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), certain assets require to test for impairment annually. Impairment testing involves assessing whether the carrying value of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount, which is the higher of its fair value less costs… Read More »

How to prepare financials of a company?

Preparing the financials of a company    Preparing the financials of a company involves several steps. Here is a general outline of the process: 1.Collect and Organize Financial Data: Gather all relevant financial information, such as transaction records, bank statements, invoices, receipts, and other supporting documents. Ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and organized… Read More »

Q20.3 Preparation of projected income statement ?

Preparation of projected income statement Preparation of projected income statement Website link Preparation of projected income statement: The preparation of a projected income statement, it is necessary to predict the anticipated revenues, expenses, and net income for a specific time period in the future. Here are the steps to Preparation of projected income statement:: 1.Sales… Read More »