Tag Archives: #FinancialResilience

Provident Funds (PF)

Provident Funds (PF) PF stands for Provident Fund, a mandatory savings scheme in India for employees and employers. It aims at ensuring financial security for employees after their retirement.  It also includes contributions from both the employee and employer towards a dedicated provident fund account. Overview of the Public Provident Fund: Purpose:The primary goal of… Read More »

NetWorth V/s Liquid Capital?

NetWorth V/s LiquidCapital   NetWorth v/s LiquidCapital are both financial terms used to assess an individual’s or organization’s financial position, but they represent different aspects of financial resources. Here’s a comparison between the two: Net Worth: Net worth refers to the total value of an individual’s or organization’s assets minus its liabilities. It provides a… Read More »

What is considered liquid net worth?

Considered Liquid Net Worth   Considered liquid net worth refers to the portion of an individual’s or entity’s net worth that consists of assets that can readily converted into cash without significant loss in value or time delay. It represents the portion of net worth that is easily accessible and available for immediate use. Liquid… Read More »

How to calculate liquid net worth of a person?

Liquid Net Worth of a Person Understanding your financial health is crucial, and one of the most telling indicators is your liquid net worth. Unlike general net worth, which includes all assets, liquid net worth focuses on the assets that can be quickly and easily converted to cash. This measure provides a clearer picture of… Read More »

What is tax planning for corporate?

Tax Planning for Corporate   Tax planning for corporate encompasses the deliberate formulation and execution of strategies, along with proactive measures taken by businesses, to efficiently handle their tax obligations. This approach ensures compliance with relevant tax laws and regulations while maximizing their tax position and overall financial standing. The goal of corporate tax planning… Read More »

Why tax planning is necessary?

  Tax planning is necessary Tax planning is necessary for several reasons: Minimize Tax Liability: Effective tax planning allows individuals and businesses to legally reduce their tax liability. By taking advantage of available deductions, exemptions, credits, and incentives, you can optimize your tax position and potentially lower the amount of taxes you owe. Increase Tax… Read More »

Tax planning is medium of reducing tax ?

Reducing tax Yes, tax planning is a method use to reduce tax liabilities legally and within the framework of tax laws and regulations. It involves analyzing an individual’s or business’s financial situation and using available tax strategies and incentives to minimize the amount of tax paid. The goal of tax planning is reducing tax position… Read More »