Tag Archives: #FinancialPlanningGoals

Provident Funds (PF)

Provident Funds (PF) PF stands for Provident Fund, a mandatory savings scheme in India for employees and employers. It aims at ensuring financial security for employees after their retirement.  It also includes contributions from both the employee and employer towards a dedicated provident fund account. Overview of the Public Provident Fund: Purpose:The primary goal of… Read More »

Tax planning and management?

Tax planning and management Distinguishing Between Tax Planning and Tax Management: Tax Planning: Tax planning involves the strategic analysis and decision-making process aimed at minimizing tax liabilities while remaining compliant with tax laws. It focuses on utilizing available tax incentives, deductions, credits, and exemptions to optimize tax outcomes. Key characteristics of tax planning include: For… Read More »

Q24.9 Fund certificate definition: What is a fund certificate ?

Fund certificate definition Website link Fund certificate definition: A fund certificate refers to a document that certifies an individual’s or entity’s ownership or investment in a specific fund. It serves as proof of participation in the fund and confirms the entitlement to the benefits, rights, or shares associated with that particular fund. Fund certificate definition… Read More »

Tax planning and tax evasions?

Tax planning and tax evasions   Taxation planning and tax evasions are two distinct concepts with stark differences: Tax Planning: Tax planning involves structuring one’s financial affairs in a legal and strategic manner to minimize tax liability. It involves taking advantage of available deductions, credits, exemptions, and incentives provided by tax laws to legally reduce… Read More »

What is tax planning?

Tax Planning Tax Planning involves examining a taxpayer’s financial situation from a tax standpoint and formulating strategies to legally decrease or postpone their tax obligations. The objective of tax planning is to minimize the amount of taxes owed while ensuring adherence to tax laws and regulations. It is an integral component of comprehensive financial planning… Read More »