Tag Archives: #FinancialExamination

Prepares financial statement: Who prepares the financial statements ?

Prepares financial statement The financial statements are typically prepared by the company’s accounting and finance department or by professional accountants and auditors. These individuals have the knowledge and expertise to accurately compile and analyze financial data in accordance with accounting principles and standards. It is mandatory to Prepares financial statement.  In smaller businesses, the financial… Read More »

What is fund utilization report?

Fund Utilization Report   A fund utilization report is a document that provides detailed information about the utilization of funds within a specific project, program, or organization. It outlines how the funds have been allocated, spent, and utilized for various purposes or activities as per the approved budget or funding agreement. The report serves as… Read More »

No statutory dues certificate by Chartered Accountant?

  No statutory dues certificate Understanding the Significance A ‘No Statutory Dues Certificate’ issued by a Chartered Accountant serves as a declaration that the company has met all its statutory obligations concerning taxes, duties, and other dues within the stipulated timelines. This certificate is not merely a formality but a rigorous assessment of financial records… Read More »

What is liquid net worth calculator ?

Liquid Net Worth Calculator     A liquid net worth calculator is a tool or online resource designed to assist individuals in determining their liquid net worth. It automates the process of determining the value of liquid assets, calculating liabilities, and providing a final estimation of liquid net worth. These calculators are designed to simplify… Read More »

What is an external audit?

 An External Audit An external audit, also referred to as an independent audit or statutory audit, involves an impartial auditor examining a company’s financial statements and accounting records. The main objective of this audit is to provide assurance to the stakeholders of the company, including shareholders, creditors, and investors. It verifies that the financial statements… Read More »